Doolittle Interview with Kaz*, creative director & girl boss of kiko+ & gg*
French kids lifestyle magazine, Doolittle, interviews Kaz* one of the founders and creative director of kiko+ & gg*.
In this English + French bilingual article, you get a closer look at what it takes to be a toy designer. Where the inspiration comes for the toys and more about the toy creation process.
Read the whole interview here!

In this English + French bilingual article, you get a closer look at what it takes to be a toy designer. Where the inspiration comes for the toys and more about the toy creation process.
Read the whole interview here!

Doolittle Interview with Kaz*, creative director & girl boss of kiko+ & gg*
French kids lifestyle magazine, Doolittle, interviews Kaz* one of the founders and creative director of kiko+ & gg*. In this English + French bilingual article, you get a closer look at what it takes to be a toy designer. Where the inspiration comes for the toys and more about the toy creation process. Read the whole interview here!